Early morning thought. If you listen to all the people telling you not to do something, you will never reach your goals, start that business, travel to that new country, meet that new love, etc. Sometimes, you have to be hard-headed and go for what you want...
Sometimes life ends up being very different from what we thought we wanted or it just looks different than it started. When that happens, what do you do? I tell you what you do- You readjust and keep living. If what you once wanted to do no longer satisfies?...
Can you taste it, smell it, see it? The “it” of which I speak is Your Destiny. If you cannot, you will not possess it. What wakes you up, keeps you up, and is always on your mind to do and make known to the world? That’s a clue. It’s called...
Seasons of waiting are common to us all. But, how do you make it through? How do you trust God in the wait? Life is up. Life is down. Life is smooth. You know He has given you signs to move toward purpose, things are good and moving in the right direction, and then it...
I have been paying close attention to myself and others as I grow as an entrepreneur and delve deeper into my gifts and encourage others in theirs. It has become evident that if I and if You do no get organized, the purpose we are called to fulfill will not get done....