Today is my birthday. I’m home writing, working, and researching. But, I’m happy. Happiness is a choice. I write this little note to remind you- Choose to be happy. No matter what is going on around you, find your happy place and enjoy your life. My life...
As my boys enter the teen years, I have begun to see changes in them. And in me. No one wants to see their kids go in different directions than originally planned when you first held them in your arms; but, sometimes, they do. I am witnessing the “Twilight...
I have come into my own in my thirties. I know a lot of “twenty-somethings” dread the big 30, but it is truly a great time in life. This knowledge made me realize that I am quickly approaching 40. Yet, I still have a few years before I get the “Oh...
As single parents, we tend to bear all things. Every bill, every sickness, whether our own or our kids, and every hurt. We have to learn to release negativity and not dwell on all the bad. Our job is difficult enough as is. We must make room for the good. I’m...
Question: If you give all of you away without being replenished, what good is that? Exactly. Rest is key. It is not selfish to rest. It is not selfish to say no. It is being responsible when you see that to take care of everyone else, you must first take care of you....