You Can Win!
Get the 31 day devotional designed to help you seek God for direction, build your faith, and transform your thinking, so you can become the courageous mom God created you to be.

What this devotional will do for you
- It’s written by a single mom who credits her success to her faith in God in her darkest hour
- It will help you find time to focus on your spiritual foundation
- It will transform your view of single parenting
- You will grow through 31 days of focused devotions, prayer, and journaling
- If you fell stuck, hopeless, and/or think God has forgotten about you
- If you want to take you and your babies to your very own next level in life, you need this devotional. See, success doesn’t just happen, it begins somewhere. Start with your faith and then put it into action.
- If you fell lost and powerless, this will help to rejuvenate you and show you fresh ideas about your season of singleness
- You will gain more courage as a result of steady meeting with your Creator
- You will learn to finally thrive as a single mom and begin to chase your own personal dreams
- You’ll get closer to figuring out your purpose and single parenting is a part of it all
Why should you order this devotional:
- Are you tired of running on empty?
- Are you fed up with being frustrated and the only parent?
- Are you ready to feel like you have everything (or at least what you can foresee) under control?
- Are you sick and tired of running on fumes and ready to get still, quiet, and focus?
- Are you ready to let God remind you that He loves you and cares for you?
- Are you ready to no longer be disheveled and absent-minded but focused and knowing where you’re going?
- Then, you must make time for the most important relationship in your life … the one with your Savior. Parent, Thrive, Win! can help.
Join me for 31 days of transformation
- Are you ready to grow, to parent at the level you know your kids deserve and that you can do without being exhausted or resentful?
- Are you ready to heal from your past hurts by letting God show you what He has for you in His word?
- Are you ready to learn how to thrive through this season you can’t believe you’re in but know you must complete?
- Are you ready to be the courageous single mom God has called you to be so you can transform your life and that of your babies for years to come?
Then this devotional is for you.