
The Ugly Truth

I absolutely lose it from time to time. “Really?”, you say. Yes. Parenting and single parenting are not easy. But, you already know that. Now, I don’t do crazy stuff, but I will go on a long monologue/diatribe/aside about my house and the...

Having the talk with your kids.

I don’t know about you, but I freaked out for weeks trying to get the nerve up to talk to my boys about sex. Their school wanted to show them a video on puberty, but I wasn’t ready yet. Sound familiar? Lol. All about me! Up to this point, they knew God put...

Chasing Destiny

Can you taste it, smell it, see it? The “it” of which I speak is Your Destiny. If you cannot, you will not possess it. What wakes you up, keeps you up, and is always on your mind to do and make known to the world? That’s a clue. It’s called...

Keep Moving

Sometimes life hits you from the side and you fall. You didn’t see that job ending, the relationship disintegrating , or your friends walking away. It hurts when we lose the ones we love. Maybe they didn’t leave. Maybe it’s just strained. To all...

If not now, when?

I’m heading to D.C. again next month for a two day program on startups this time and I thought this post would inspire you dream chasers and business owners. I believe investing in yourself pays the highest dividends. #Throwbackpost

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