People often ask me how I did it. How I raised two boys on my own. And my answer is ‘I had to.’ But, the deeper answer is it was a process. Like many of you, it wasn’t my plan to parent alone. And so, once it all went down and I was left with the decision to stay in...
Coming together to parent when you couldn’t stay together as a couple could be a recipe for hell on earth. Pure HELL. I know all about it because I lived it as a young single mom, and I see it daily as I coach other single moms. Read on as you learn to co-parent well...
I live in an apartment with two teen boys. They constantly eat up all the food, have 3 tvs on at once, and forget to turn the lights off. EVERY day! Oh the joys of being a kid! That’s why I’m super geeked to use Hive Home products. They will save me on...
MegaFest17 was just what the name implies: a festival on a maximum scale that feeds your spirit, ignites you to seek God, and encourages you to chase your dreams. And the cool part is it provides this for every member of the family. From empowerment sessions, to...