
Chasing Destiny

Can you taste it, smell it, see it? The “it” of which I speak is Your Destiny. If you cannot, you will not possess it. What wakes you up, keeps you up, and is always on your mind to do and make known to the world? That’s a clue. It’s called...

Be a blessing. Use your time wisely. 

It does not hurt you or me at all to give a smile, a kind word, a listening ear. What it costs is time. I would like to state that we waste so much time doing things that we think are important and do not have enough time for the things and people who really are....

Keep Moving

Sometimes life hits you from the side and you fall. You didn’t see that job ending, the relationship disintegrating , or your friends walking away. It hurts when we lose the ones we love. Maybe they didn’t leave. Maybe it’s just strained. To all...

Never Give Up

As you begin your week, remember to take small deliberate steps toward your goals. You won’t achieve all in one day, but as one day turns into the next, you will inch closer to the end goal. Never let a setback be a setup or cause you to miss your comeback. You...

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