The definition of Eligible is “Fit or proper to be chosen; worthy of choice; desirable or meeting the stipulated requirements, as to participate, compete, or work; to be...
I hear a lot of people putting themselves down lately. I’m on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (as well as here with this lovely blog ), and people, as social media is- share. They share their journey. I listen. I try to encourage. All our journeys have...
Life, for me, moves at a very fast pace as a single parent. However, two parent homes have the same outlook-busy. It’s hectic. Kids are in this, we have a meeting, or work, or church, etc. It’s just busy. But, we can fix this with one little word- NO. I...
I have been paying close attention to myself and others as I grow as an entrepreneur and delve deeper into my gifts and encourage others in theirs. It has become evident that if I and if You do no get organized, the purpose we are called to fulfill will not get done....
Have you noticed that although you are very busy, you are not getting as much done? Or, in other words, you are being busy, but you are not being effective. I have, and it is costly. Don’t get me wrong, we all have stuff that must get done. What I’m saying...
So, I’m not saying resolutions aren’t good, I’m simply saying they do not last. How many times have you made resolutions only to chuck them to the side a few weeks or, if you’re lucky, a few months later? Well, I’ll answer for you- every...