
Mama, I am so glad we are connected. And although I haven’t been able to send as many emails as I’d like, I wanted to take the time on our day to say you’re doing amazing. Happy National Single Parents Day!

I know this is the most unexpected position to find yourself in. There is a lot to overcome that I don’t think most people understand. I called it healing and dealing. We have to heal and we also have to raise our babies at the same time. But, we raise our babies with fire and grace and love. I know you’ve got to be like me because you’re here reading this email. And that means that you will work yourself to the bone to make sure your kids have what they need. I want to commend you for that.

I also want to say it’s OK to love on you too! Part of the journey that we’re on is learning how to find that delicate balance between providing for our babies and providing for ourselves. And I want you to know that it is all possible. You can chase your dreams, raise good babies, find good love, and build a life that you love as a single mother. 

So I didn’t want today to go by without wishing you a Happy National Single Parents Day! Remember, it is all possible.

Also, on days like this I love to write down a list of how far I’ve come. Sometimes we can forget that what we’ve done is absolutely magical. Some of you may have been like me and you started out in a low socioeconomic situation, you went back to school, and you worked hard so you could build a life that you love. And then there are those who may not be your issue but you need some other things. We got room for you here too, sis. Take a moment, write down all of the wins. And if you feel like it, write down some of the losses. I guarantee you the wins will outweigh the losses.

And then the last thing I want you to do today is to write down what you want. I want you to write down what you see for your family, what you see for you, and I want you to put a timeline on it. 

Today is the perfect day to celebrate and to dream again. I wish you so much success and love and I don’t know how you’re celebrating today, but I pray you look at the beautiful faces of your babies and tell them like I told mine when they were two years old and two months old, “ you’ll never have to want for anything a day in your life.”




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