Days after the final vote, we are seeing protests and commotion everywhere. People are wondering “how could Donald Trump win the presidential election.” It’s no secret most of us Americans are in shock and appalled at the electoral college’s choice to elect Trump. Fear is in the air. Worry is high, the stock market has had a nice drop, and people of color, minorities, and those with disabilities are really wondering “What is he going to do next?” Thinking about all of that will make you dang near crazy. This is why having a self-care routine is so important. So, what self-care you should do to stay sane after the election is my main focus. As single moms, our kids need us, and we need to manage all this stress and tension properly. Here are my suggestions for you, mama:
10 Ways to practice self-care after the Donald Trump election
I cannot stress this first tip enough. You must pray. God is real and He is in control. I’ve been a Christian since I was small and I have never been neglected, never been without his love, and although we’ve had some ups and downs, He has never left us and has always provided. As I type this, I’ve been up praying. God is faithful, reliable, and loves you. But prayer and meditation bring a peace that nothing else can bring and sustain. This is why you must add this to your daily routine.
Now, God is not looking for a drive by or a fix it for me now sessions. He wants to hear your heart and show you His. Add in prayer. Use a devotional. Listen to the gospel and/or Christian music. Peace is the goal, but you will find that He will give you more when you get quiet and talk to him. Amen.
Yes, prayer is self-care. You are more than physical. Your spirit has to be fed as well.
Read a good book
This could be seen as a distraction, but a good book is like feeding your soul and your creativity. It allows you to dream again. Remember as a little kid how great a good book was? Yes, pick a new one today or grab an oldie but goodie to reread. It will serve as a nice interruption to the regular scheduled doom and gloom coming through the airwaves. And let’s face it, you already have enough on your plate as a single mom. Read! Rest! Relax!
Take a hot bath or soak
Take time out to really enjoy this often rushed and over-looked practice of cleansing. Listen, mama, I have bath crystals, lotions, oils, and an entire stash (I teach. I must have a regimen) of self-care items devoted to loving me. And as a single mom, I also need those items to slip away at times and refresh myself. So, plan this thing out. When can you get a nice, uninterrupted, body rejuvenating soak in? Early in the morning, midday, or after bedtime? Whatever it is, do it soon! It’s time to say, “Calgon, take me away!”
I promise you’ll feel better and it just might be the extra spark you need to get up, get out, and live! Yes, honey, you have to keep living even if your candidate wasn’t elected. You still have a husband to meet and a family to raise. You’ve got dreams to chase and a life to live. One election or even Donald Trump won’t stop that. Take care of yourself.
Get out of the house and do something new
This is my favorite thing to do ever. I love going to a new show, finding a new venue or restaurant, taking a trip, or simply doing something new. Maybe it’s because, in my early years of single parenting, I did not get to do much. My 20s were spent parenting, working, and parenting. When I got wise and realized that I could change all that, I did. Haven’t looked back, don’t wait for others, I just get up and do.
Grab the girls or go alone. Take the kid if you must, but try something new.
Get a massage
Okay, this right here is my jam! I love Swedish massages and a new style called reflexology (they focus on the feet). Lawd! I must have one of these a month. When school is in session, I miss a beat here or there, but I love to get a massage. One, I need them from standing all day. Two, they feel good and help me release my mental blocks, stress, and muscle tension. Take time to look into massages esp., if you don’t normally get them. This will change your life. Self-care is real. Not taking care of you is not being fully present for your family. We don’t want that.
So! Will you get one today? I promise it will change your life. Now, you do need to check around and get recommendations. But when you find your masseuse, the heavens will open up and the angels will sing. Well … not really. But, you’ll feel great!
Get the girls together and have a conversation
I literally sent a text to all my girlfriends inviting them out to a night out. Listen, we need to decompress after this election. Donald Trump is the President-Elect and there isn’t much we can do about it. But, we can relax, relate, release so we can get clear instead of cloudy. We can get clear instead of frantic, and we can enjoy each other instead of sitting home glued to the tube worrying. It’s time to take control. Plan a girls’ night out at a restaurant, cafe, or even pot luck at your house. It’s time to mobilize and there is no better way to do that than to create a real plan over good food.
Do nothing but sleep
Let’s face it. Most of us stayed up entirely too late watching the win of Donald Trump in disbelief. I was waiting for the sweeping of some states that looked red that I just KNEW in the final moments it would be blue. Catch up on your sleep. Give yourself permission to rest. It will bless you and your kids. They get to have a rested mama. You get to have balance.
Let it out/Release
Many of us are mourning our idea of democracy and what it was going to look like to have a woman President. We’re also mourning because we feel like we’re about to go to “hell in a handbasket.” But, don’t forget you have power. So, use your voice and your vote to affect change. Staying idle is what got us here. Being active will get us out. So, release it, cry, and then resolve to get a real plan together. President Donald Trump does need our prayers. It’s not for him per se, it’s for us and the fact that he will have to lead us and that is a tough job for anyone. He will need wisdom and we need to pray he gets some.
Turn off the news
So many times we can’t truly rest and relax because the tube is on and we’re curious about the happenings with Donald Trump. Take a day to detach from the news. It is done. You need clarity to figure out how you can get involved peacefully in the political process. The clarity to figure out your plan for your family. You need clarity to figure out what you want to do next. And guess what, watching or listening to pundits all day won’t change a thing. Turn it off, decompress, reflect, and make a plan to get manageable doses of it at certain times during the day. No more life taking over tube watching for you. After all, you’ve got dreams to chase and a family to lead. Let’s do it!
Work Out
Taking care of your body makes you feel good. It keeps you healthy and it helps you get clear. You also get the benefits of a healthy heart and the continuance of a healthy body. Working out also helps me release steam. So, you get like 3 in 1: a good body, healthy choice, and the removal of all curse words you felt like saying but didn’t. Or was that just me? Lol! Work out and you’ll feel so much better.
Hopefully, you found these to be a blessing. Would you add any others? Comment below and let us know!
As I type this, it’s early. I’m headed to the gym to take care of me, grab some breakfast with a girlfriend, and live my life. A massage is in my very near future. I’ve been tense for a few weeks and it’s time to finally let go. My hope is in Jesus. I pray you to know what you believe and pause long enough to breathe and know that God has not forgotten you and your babies. Pause and pray daily, ask for guidance and most importantly keep living and loving. You are going to make it. This is going to be interesting and yes it may get worse before it gets better, but God is in control and worry won’t solve it. You getting it together, running your house, loving your babies, chasing your dreams, and standing up for what is right WILL change things.
You know how we do it. Rise up! Do it anyway!
Kaywanda Lamb is The Single Mom Coach, author of two books, speaker, event host, a woman of faith and mom to two precious boys. Her motto is Do It Anyway! She believes that every single parent has the ability to chase their dreams and transform their life while raising great children if they’ll just “do it anyway.” Her second book is a devotional for single moms called Parent, Thrive, Win! available now for pre-order. Learn more here.
All great and intentional tips. Renew your spirit. Replenish your energy. Find your internal joy factory. Thank you, Kaydyma.
Thank you Michael. We’ve got to find ways to cope that help us renew our strength and be a great example to our children. Losing our heads and neglecting ourselves will not help the issue or move us forward. As a gentleman, what do you do for self care?