Being a single mom is hard. It just is, but you better know you can do it. You can chase your dreams, and you can raise great babies in the process. You can build a business from scratch, pursue another degree, change your career path in the middle, etc. And how do I know this? I’ve interviewed normal women who happen to be single moms, like you and me, and they’ve done just that! So, start dreaming mama. Your day is coming! Today, I share an interview I had with an amazing mom who is all about enjoying her babies and chasing her dreams of writing, speaking, teaching, and capturing life with her camera all on her terms. Read on for a little inspiration!
The Backstory
I am not sure how I met Toni. Lol! It was either in a blogger group or she was a friend of a friend of a fried. I’m just glad we met. Listen, we met and hit it off. She’s a blogger. I’m a blogger. And the rest is history. Truthfully, her spirit and smile just caught my eye, and I said, “I want to interview her.” She’s got some nuggets for the Tribe. And this interview is in-te-resting!

Toni hanging with her babies.
The Successful Single Mom Interview
- So Toni, tell us about a day in the life of a busy single mom with a career and her own business. What are some challenges you have faced and how do you manage it all? (We need to know!)
I’m a firm believer in time-blocking. That has truly been the only way I get things accomplished. At the end of each day, I decide on the tasks for the next day and assign it a place within a two-hour window. I don’t over schedule in my window, and usually, my goal for the day is to complete three tasks. It doesn’t sound like I get a lot done with that schedule (only three things a day?!?!?), but it works because I’m focused and I’m able to give my best self to each task.
Me: Oh, I love that. I also time block. Sometimes, it just does not work out. But, I’ve started using an app with a timer, and OMG! my life is made. 🙂
- What has made the biggest difference in your success in business and in life?
Being authentic and true to myself. When I haven’t been either, I’ve been headed for disaster in both my personal and my professional lives. As a blogger and a writer, I owe it to my audience to be authentic. It’s very cathartic for me, but it’s honest.
Me: I agree. I’ve also learned that along the way, and am so glad I chose to be lil ole me. It’s freeing.
3. Now, If you could change one thing about your business journey, what would it be?
I wish I had done it sooner! I am from a family of 9 to 5ers. My parents believe that anyone can be a successful entrepreneur, you just needed to have a “back up plan.” For years, I knew that I really wanted to be a full-time writer, but I was too scared to let go of my career in education. Finally, last year I made the leap!
Me: I love it! You know, people want the best for us, and so they advise us to tread lightly. But our heart and mind is telling us it’s time. I’m glad you made the leap! One day, I’ll leap as well.
- To whom do you attribute your success? How were you able to push through the early stages of business development with kids? Any tips for our budding mompreneurs?
I attribute all of this to God! I know that He crafted this unique life’s journey for me and only me. I think all mom’s should be open to the creative possibilities that being a mompreneur gives you. I am able to drop off my kids at school, pick them up from school on time, volunteer at the school when needed (yep, volunteers are still needed in middle and high school…lol) and do something I absolutely love.
Her Advice to Budding Mompreneurs
“The one piece of advice I would give is to stay true to yourself. There’s a saying that goes,”If Mama’s not happy, no one is happy.” All moms owe it to themselves and their families to be authentically happy, and to do whatever it takes to get them there.”
Did you hear that?!! I just dropped the proverbial “Mic” because Ms. Toni just gave us all life. Sis, please understand that you were born to achieve your purpose! Your babies are a part of that, but they are not all there is for you. So many times we stop living just to give them everything when we are actually limiting their growth because they don’t see us pushing. You don’t have to start a business, but you need to know you can. What an amazing interview and awesome advice we can all implement.
Wow! I’m excited to see what else Ms. Toni is up to. You can check her out right here at
As always, I pray you have been inspired. Please share this post with women who need it and also on your social media. More single moms need to know there is a tribe just for them.
Any time you begin to grow, life will try to get in your way. That’s okay!
Do It Anyway!
Are you in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area? Come out for the Single Moms Who Brunch event on August 6th. Meet moms like you who are fabulous, hidden away working and providing, and are looking for the perfect event to connect, chat, dine, and grow. I’ll be hosting the brunch of the year for us which means great swag, the book, and mini lunch and learn topics throughout. Not your boring brunch honey. Fun times will be had. You’ve got to be at this brunch if you’re serious about parenting alone on the next level (until Boaz comes of course). Get the details here. Seating is limited. See you soon!
Thanks! You, my cousin Toni and all of the super single moms I know are inspirations to us all!!! Keep up the good work! Follow your dreams and your passion! Your time has come and your kids will be all the better for it! Go get that blessing!!!
Thank you Rhea! Toni is amazing! May more moms know they can do it, too!