Last night on Periscope, I shared 4 signs of change and how to handle change as we go through life. I proposed that we should look at each sign differently.
As a single mom, I have seen a lot of change. Chile, have I seen some stuff. But, let me tell you what I have learned. Change can be good. Yes, it can be sudden, uncomfortable, and sometimes downright unwanted. But, I have found that once we have allowed life to show us the lesson it came to teach, it usually works for our good. This works whether you are a single parent or not. Read on to see how you should handle change in your life.
I don’t know about you, but change is frustrating especially if you are changing and everyone else is staying the same. When God stretches you, He may not stretch those around you. be prepared to be frustrated as you grapple with your own change.
I know it hurts when friends, loves of your life, and even family reject you, but hear me, let them! You will one day heal and be relieved that they rejected you. I am a firm believer that rejection is simply redirection. When we are involved so deep in relationships, in business ventures, etc. sometimes we cannot see clearly that some people and things are not for us. It takes time and sometimes it takes God stepping in and closing a door. Yes, I believe there have been some things in my own life that God used to steer me in a different direction like my kids’ dad rejecting me and our boys. Well, that sounds harsh, but I’m glad about it.
When relationships just fall apart without a sign, it’s hard. It’s rough as we all know, and especially if all of this is happening as you are parenting alone. It can be rough whatever season you find yourself in to have partnerships in love, life, and business disappear into thin air. But, my word to you today is to be encouraged. Things aren’t always what they seem. Things falling apart can be the best thing that ever happened to you.
This one is the big doozy. When you being to sense discomfort in your life, I feel that is a sign that you are growing. On the surface, it seems like someone is doing you wrong or you just can’t catch a break. You’re uncomfortable. No doubt about it. But! What if it is a sign of change, of growth, and a sign to move forward in your destiny? I say listen to the signs and attempt to see what else life might be showing you.
As always, may you rock the life you got! We do not get to pick our trials, but we get to pick how we go through them. Go on sis!
Do It Anyway!
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Omg😯 this here is a life changer !!I felt this in my soul. I just want to say thank you!!for the seed you sown in me a year ago sis and I’ve been doing somethings,I’ve stepped out my faith and some things in my life are manifesting !!!sis but, I know I got some work to do my faith is increasing. I’m seeing miracles before my eyes but I know it’s more in store for me in 2020# I’m Doing it Anyway!!
Thank you Mirada. I’m so glad it blessed you. Yes, God is good and it was a pleasure meeting you at The Yes Conference. Keep seeking his face and direction and taking bold steps of faith. #doitanyway