We took off a family fun day in the sun to a different level this weekend. My sons participated in the Rueben Randle Football Camp in Bastrop, LA. It was amazing! I volunteered and was blown away at how smooth, well run, and no stress it was.

Rueben (as the die-hard football fans know) plays for the New York Giants. He’s been having this camp at his hometown high school for 3 years. I met his mom a while back and was smitten. Can you say amazing spirit!!? She is a friend of my aunt’s and now has another niece cause I ❤️ her.
Okay! Back to Rueben. He has been giving back to his community by offering this camp for free for years. On top of the fact that it’s free (hashtag mommy break for the moms that dropped their kids off), they also provided food, water, and drinks. I asked why they didn’t charge because many camps do. The answer, “We just want to give back.”
The title says, why you should do what I did. I aim to make good on the claim. Read on. Here are my 5 reasons why you should take your kids to camps and have a family day like this.
1. It’s free to spend a family day
“It doesn’t get no betta” (in my La voice). The free and amazing talent was on hand. He had David Wilson there, another NFL player and many sought after coaches in the area and beyond helping to show the boys how the pros do it. Low cost or no cost camps like this one is key for moms on a budget. These should always be looked at as options to get your kiddos up, out, moving and learning. This camp took the cake! I was amazed at what free got me. My boys got a free tee, wristband, lessons from an NFL player, they made new friends, they ate good, and they had fun. Free never tasted so good!
Watch as I interview Ethan Howell about why every parent should have brought their kids out.
2. It’s a fun opportunity for boys and girls
Oh, it says football camp, but the young ladies represented, too! They had football for boys 8-18 and dance for girls 8-18. They were gittin’ it! I was hollering and hype. Can y’ll say ready for fall! The dance instructor taught the girls a routine and they performed it at the end of the day. They too were separated by ages. It was so good to see kids having fun (even in the heat). It was hotter than the devil’s toenails. IJS!
3. It builds them up athletically and socially
The girls got to work together and they helped each other get the steps. The way these kids helped each other was heartwarming as an educator to see. There was no cattiness or “I’m better than you” attitude. They worked hard and as a team. This great family day gives my boys a great time meeting new friends since we live in Texas. They learned to work together with a diverse group with some fabulous pigskin skills. It was amazing to see the over 450 kids that came out ut their all into learning.
Listen, Bastrop is one to watch. They bring out State Champs! I screamed as one young man was being chased and then blocked by another and just when I thought he was tackled and down, he caught that ball on the low and was so “finesse” with it or “clutch” as my students say. Lol! I’m cool. I think. Did I use it right? Y’ll let me know.
4. A family day on this camp gives you a break
Many parents registered their kids and went to work. Some stayed and cheered their kids on. And for those who did the “register/disappear” thing, I feel them. The kids were in great hands which means the parents had 5 free hours to woosah. I understand. When life gives you a break, you take it and run. So, be on the lookout for things like that!
5. It’s an opportunity to meet their favorite players
My boys are avid football players, lovers, and watchers. They tell me it was great for them to meet someone who does what they dream about doing one day.
As the day unfolded, Rueben chatted with the little kids and the big ones i.e., the adults. And I was shocked to see my younger son (who sometimes asks zany questions) approach Rueben. He asked, “What does it take to get to your level?” Rueben said, “Pick what you want to be and be the best at it.” Inside, I was like “preach!” and “Thank you, Jesus, he asked a real question!” Lol! As an entrepreneur, that resonated with me. For me, it meant carve your niche and rock it out! For my son, it told him to hone his skills, do the work, and keep dreaming. Wow! Football is deep!
I must add that the volunteers were second to none! The entire staff was amazing. We checked kids in, served food, some coached and trained, others picked up trash, etc. In the end, it was a well-run event with caring people on site. Hats off to The Randle’s for an excellent day with the kids and for picking great people who knew how to get it done!
Also, there were many sponsors on hand to help make this event a success. Shout out to Johnny’s Pizza just because they are my favorite.
What a rewarding day. Sure, I sweated my hair out and smelled to high heaven at the end. But, I made some new friends, got to help a great cause, and saw my boys (along with many others) share a moment with a young man who was once like them.
Continued success to Rueben Randle who comes from good people and loves Jesus. I don’t mind my boys looking up to him at all.
P.S. I took a million photos and got a great video. Check my Instagram for more!
This single mom is overjoyed. I hope you are inspired to do more, seek more, and find more for your kids. Take your kids to places. Make memories! Let them chase their dreams! “But it’s hot outside,” you say.
Do It Anyway!