
New Beginnings!

Starting over, beginning a new job, moving to a new place, and even beginning a new love can all be scary. But you know what? New beginnings can also be invigorating, just what the doctor ordered, and beautiful. Whatever you are beginning, give it all you’ve got. Shake off the old and embrace the new. Pretty soon that new thing will become a consistent thing and you’ll find your stride, your place, your peace, your why the previous things had to end. 

No one likes feeling like a fish out of water, but it’s necessary when you begin something new. There’s a learning curve you must master to get to greater. In order to get where you want, you’re going to go through some unfamiliar territory. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go. Go anyway! Keep working on mastery and that feeling will go away. Get clear. Get consistent. Get ready for your new thing and embrace it!


Do It Anyway!

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