
It’s that time of year when the kiddos are almost out for school and we, the parents, have to figure out what to do with them. I say this because a good bit of us single parents work. If you do not have a place for them to go yet , especially if your children are too young to be home alone … say not 14 and up, then read on for some ideas. I know what it feels like to scramble looking for a good and affordable place for my boys. I have used and/or heard good reviews for each of these. Read on for my 6 places for your kids to go this summer aka Your Summer Plan. These, of course, are suggestions, and you are in total control of what you do with your kiddos. Here’s to a great summer!

Summer Plan 1: Send Them to Grandma’s House.

I am fortunate enough to have support in my mom and sisters. They usually watch the boys for me if I have things to do like conferences to go to or an out town vacation during the summer. They take turns watching the boys, and it’s just good for them to hang around their cousins and bond. You know! Be kids. Plus, their nanna enjoys it. My benefit is they are safe, loved, having fun, and are safe. Did I say safe? Yes. A big deal for this mama is safety. Do not ever feel like you have no choices. People, even unlikely people, are willing to help. But, always make sure you trust them and your kids know them.

You also want to make sure you send them with some of their favorite things: toys, reading material, summer learning, etc. There’s just something special about grandma’s house. My boys will do the “countriest” things there and will hardly go outside when they’re home. I love hearing their stories of building forts and trekking through

Summer Plan 2: Do a Child Exchange

“What is this?”, you say. Well, it’s really not a thing, but this is what I call it when I don’t call it “The Mommy Break!” Lol. I started years ago keeping my best friend’s (also my cousin) son for two weeks during the summer. When i did it, I had a two-fold purpose: help and help myself. I got to help my really hard-working cousin take a vacation when I had her son. She deserved it, but would never take one. C’mon cousin! It was a great idea because she got to relax and her son got to be with my boys and have “cousin time”. A win-win. In exchange, she would later keep my two. They would hang out, this time, at her house, and I would get to vacate or sleep for two weeks (whichever I needed). The boys just thought it was rad and it allowed them to see one of their favorite cousins in Louisiana. In our two weeks without children, we learned to sleep in and pamper ourselves. It was heaven. It was during this “exchange” that I realized self-care is vital.

Let me say something here: Every parent needs a break at times. It doesn’t make you bad, inept, or whatever ” perfect people” call it. It makes you human and authentic. Parents and Single parents, especially, need a vacation. So, call your family that you love and best friends up and make a plan to do an exchange. Asap!

 Summer Plan 3: Go to Summer or Church Camp

Now, in the beginning, I could not afford paying for camp for two kids, so I would send the oldest and then the youngest. For a season, Vacation Bible school was the best I could do and that was half a day. Let me tell you, it helped. As I progressed in my career, I learned how to budget/sacrifice so they could do science camp or do the away church summer camp that cost. Some organizations offer scholarships. So, please don’t think you just cannot afford it. Look into what is offered and ask about discounts. The old adage rings true: “Closed mouths do not get fed”. So, call them and ask! My boys had a blast at their science camp and church camps. Both were at different times and lasted 4-5 days. Amen. Lol! I knew they were safe, learning, exploring, making friends. They enjoyed and so did I.

My boys first camp was around the age of 9. Now, you want to enroll them in activities and camps with people and organizations you trust. It was scary sending them off even to church camp. I’m a “Mama Bear.” But, we can’t put our fears on our kids. We have to (within in reason) let them experience fun and exciting things and not think the worst. My boys came back each time with such great stories and friendships that have lasted.

I have the luxury of staying home during the summer and my boys are also teens. But, I wasn’t always a teacher. Look around and see what’s out there for you and your kids. You will be amazed. Summer plans are easy to make so be on the lookout.

Summer Plan 4: They Can Stay home


If they are old enough, or you have an older sibling, friend, or family member to watch them, go for it. I try to let mine have a break and just be when they’re with me. But later, I break out something educational. Since I speak and teach Spanish, I have them practice. I am starting them up intensely this summer because I would like them to be bilingual. I only work them an hour a day. I mean, it’s summer!

I believe in kids being kids. But, I also believe in if you don’t use it, you will lose it. Have your kids, depending on age, continue to do something educational over the summer. Smaller kids can work on improving reading, writing, speaking with games and online practice. Teens can look ahead to do research on what their courses will require and be about. They then can begin to work ahead on some of the concepts. At the least, they can look to be prepared.

My boys play sports, so they are in two camps. This keeps me and them busy. They also try to play the “It’s summer” card to not do any work, but they know there’s always got to be time allowed for learning. They also have mentors which means they have other assignments and activities. Yes indeed! A full summer.


Summer Plan 5: Participate in the Ymca

I have never used The Y, but I know they offer full-day programs during the summer. I have friends who have used their programs and have liked them. Look into any scholarships or discounts they may offer. As my boys have gotten older, this would be an option I would choose if they didn’t have two trainers. During the summer, I know they have activities and fun and games planned for kids. Check to see what they offer and also if scholarships are available.

 Summer Plan 6: Go to a Daycare

I know many of you still have young babies. I remember the year round daycare. I also remember I hated that bill. Cheer up. One day, you will not have to pay them, and then you’ll cry because your baby’s all grown up. I know. I was wrong for that.

But, I know that some daycare centers will keep older children as well during the summer. Some even have per day rates and even per hour. You want to do your research on this one. They usually include fun field trips, outings, activities, etc.

Well, I hope you found these tips for 6 places for your kids to go this summer helpful. Don’t let school end without a plan! Remember, safety first and add in learning and fun. This is a time for you and them to enjoy summer.

If it costs a lot, but your kids are safe… Yep, you guessed it!

Do It Anyway!

Where are you sending your kiddos? Let us know in the comment section. What plans do you all have for summer?

Still learning to navigate life as a single mom? Get your copy of “Do It Anyway! The Single Mom’s Guide to Living Life and Achieving Her Goals” to learn how to parent, thrive, win!

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