
As 2013 comes to a close, most of us are churning out our New Year’s Resolutions. We will lose weight, spend less, be nicer, find Mr. Right or Mrs., save for retirement, change jobs, chase that dream, etc. How about we just resolve to not make resolutions? What if we just lived intentionally and did the best we could in 2014? I mean, isn’t that better than making promises to ourselves that most of us won’t keep?

Think about it. Live intentionally. Only you will know if you did or not.

It is very apparent that resolutions are a big deal all around the world. But, people also give up on them by mid March. So, being intentional will be more successful than making a resolution. I make them and will continue to do so. I also create goals to help me achieve what I say I want.

So, as we navigate single parenting, let’s be kind to ourselves and create resolutions with intention.

Rock on mama! You’ve got this!

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