
Last night, I saw a tweet from Social Good Moms which is the sister site of Mom Bloggers Club (which I follow). The tweeter was asking about raising awareness for the good of women and children in developing countries all over the world. They have a campaign to help raise funds and awareness of the issues that are plaguing these families and they have less than 500 days to meet their goal. To do so, they have partnered with Save the Children. When I asked for further information this is what sealed the deal for me: “The UN’s Millennium Development Goal 4 set a reachable goal to reduce the number of child deaths by 2/3rds by 2015. It hasn’t been reached yet, but our collective voices can help keep the spotlight on the world’s children.” For more information look here: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/childhealth.shtml and here http://www.savethechildren.net/mdg500

So, after reading such heavy information, I was in. Here are the reasons why I had to get involved; and hopefully, so will you:

1. Every child deserves to have safety, food, good health and a chance at life.

I know that I am not the richest person on earth. I’m a single mom, but I would give all I am to make sure my kids eat and have what they need. I’m sure these mothers feel the same. But, they can’t. For whatever reason, they can’t. They need our help. Each and every child deserves the necessities of life and to have medical care. They deserve an opportunity to be excellent. If we can help with that, we should.

2. My heart hurts when I think of a child without medical care or dying before they have lived.

I mean death is permanent and the pain that the mother feels is too. If we can support this charity and others in feeding and clothing the children of the world, what an amazing world it would be. These kids deserve to see a brighter side of life. They deserve to live.

3. I can use my voice to help. They cannot use theirs.

When I found out all I had to do was do a blog post, I said, “Of course!” I want to be able to help in any way I can. I want there to be no poverty in the U.S. or abroad and kids need supplies and food. If we can help, we should.

4. It’s the right thing to do.

Helping others is, I think, part of the fabric of being human. We should always be willing to help others. When I hear of people who make less and give more, it is perplexing and awesome at the same time. I know I can’t give what I wish, but I can give something. I can give my time, some money, and my prayers. I pray for a better world for each child who has had to live in poverty. I pray for the parents who have to watch their child suffer. I pray we all wake up and HELP.

In conclusion, please consider blogging as well to raise awareness. Share this post with friends and let’s change the lives of some little ones today. This is out of my heart to help kids. Nothing more. May many be blessed by this post.

God bless,


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